Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Neem Tree Farms Redesign

If you are one of the few people who read this blog, you know that I am trying to work more on my design capabilities, with specific focus on my type skills. I decided to reuse an assignment I had once in a product design class at MCAD. The assignment was to re-design the identity/packaging of either one of three categories: beauty/cosmetics, home-wares, or food/beverage.

I thought it was a pretty good assignment and process to go through, considering that's what most designers do every day. Always trying to one-up themselves, creating new and exciting work.

From experience, about 80% of the organic product companies have absolutely terrible design, so I figured that would be a good place to start looking. I came across this website. I feel that Neem Tree Farms has some really excellent products, but their design is terrible. I personally would be far more apt to buy a small, $8 bottle of shampoo if the packaging was totally boss. Don't you think?

Here are some of Neem Tree Farms products in their current packaging.

This is what I came up with. Perhaps I should try to contact someone at Neem Tree Farms and convince them to buy my designs... hmmm

Anyway, I hope you like. And as always, I'm open to any criticism you have.


1 comment:

Chris said...

yeah! send it to them and demand all the moneys! Another thing that might be nice is to show the back text of the of the products. That way it will give them a better understanding of the redesign as a whole.